News of the National Center of Expertise

Tibor Tsoher - the international accreditation laboratory specialist has provided training for the NCEE
Тибор Цохер – международный эксперт по аккредитации лабораторий провел тренинг для специалистов НЦЭ 12.09.2018

Within the framework of the project “Strengthening the quality management program in the laboratories of the RGP affiliates on the REA“ National Examination Center ”of the Public Health Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the experts of the National Examination Center participated in the training“ Medical Laboratories - Quality and Competency Requirements ”.

The event was organized by the regional office of CDC / CAR in Central Asia, which, in turn, invited the international trainer from Slovakia, Tibor Zocher, a member of the inspection committee of the international organization for the accreditation of laboratories ILAC.

Throughout the course of the training, 23 specialists from NCE studied the international management system standards in laboratories, as well as concepts and differences between the systems.

Since, today, the main task for NCE is the competitiveness of laboratories.

In addition, the international standard is a confirmation and recognition of the competence of medical laboratories to meet the needs of patients, staff, establishing responsibility and improving the quality of services provided.

           At the end of the seminar, each participant was issued a certificate of completion of the full course ISO15189.