News of the National Center of Expertise

More than 40 NCE employees have been trained to implement quality management systems
Более 40 сотрудников НЦЭ прошли обучение по внедрению систем менеджмента качества 13.09.2019

Everyone knows that the success of modern companies is determined by quality - from production processes to products and services.

In fact, every day more and more consumers demand evidence of quality through independent certification as a prerequisite for doing business.

The National Center for Expertise adheres to this principle in its daily activities.

So, as part of the implementation of a quality management system, employees of the National Center for Expertise were trained in accordance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2016.

During the training, the requirements of the standard ST RK ISO 9001-2016, the basic principles of quality management, business processes, the organization’s management system, the requirements for the internal audit of the management system were considered, the basic principles of improvement were also identified.

In addition, experts from the Republican Training and Consulting Center shared their knowledge and skills in conducting internal audits and identifying inconsistencies.

At the end, all participants in the training were issued certificates. Thus, the National Center for Expertise has its own internal auditors. The knowledge and skills acquired during the training will be applied in building, implementing, improving, and also managing the management system.

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