News of the National Center of Expertise

How to protect yourself from nitrates: expert advice
Как уберечь себя от нитратов: советы специалистов 11.09.2019

Today, even the most ordinary products, which seem harmless to us at first glance, can be dangerous. It is not a secret for anyone that to increase the yield of vegetables and fruits, accelerate their ripening, various chemical fertilizers are used. On the shelves of stores there are very few foods that do not have food additives.

And without them, it’s impossible in any way: the sausage will lose its color and become unappealing to the buyer, the cheese will lose its smell and color, the canned vegetables generally grow moldy, and the vegetables would not ripen in the fields at an accelerated pace. But, do not forget that when using nitrates, the application rate must be strictly observed and everything should be in moderation.

You and I often don’t think about why we are so dizzy so often, working capacity is reduced, and sometimes we even lose consciousness. We attribute everything to ecology, fatigue, hard life. And if there is loose stools or vomiting, we think that we were poisoned by poorly prepared not fresh food. The thought of nitrates does not even flash in my head.

Each person should know where and in which products there are nitrates. Today, they are found in all vegetables and fruits, but in different quantities.

There are vegetables in which nitrates accumulate not only in the upper leaves, but also inside. One of these vegetables is cabbage. Before use, it is necessary to remove several layers of the upper leaves, and then soak in water for several hours. Of course, this does not apply to cabbage grown in your own garden or purchased at a bazaar from trusted, reliable sellers. But the stalk of cabbage in no case is impossible, since all the harmful substances accumulate in it.

In vegetables such as radishes, beets, radishes, it is better to remove the upper and lower parts; in squash, you need to cut off the upper part, which is located at the stem.

In tomato and pepper, harmful substances accumulate in the upper part also in the stem, which should be cut off.

In green onions, nitrates are concentrated at the root, which must be removed.

Many vegetables and fruits prefer to accumulate harmful substances on the surface. Before eating zucchini, potatoes, apples, pears and cucumbers, you need to peel them. In carrots - you should not eat the middle, it can be dangerous. Harmful substances also accumulate in the thick tip near the tail, which must be removed.

What do nitrate vegetables look like?

For example, a nitrate cucumber has a yellowish tint and a soft-slippery consistency, a brackish, bitter taste.

The nitrate watermelon has yellowish streaks and seals in the pulp.

It should be noted that it is the early watermelons that many people poison, and especially children. After all, it is very difficult to grow it without chemistry in the early period. Thanks to chemical fertilizers and top dressing, it has an impeccable presentation that attracts customers.

If under the peel of the potato, cucumber, zucchini there are yellow spots, then this indicates a large presence of nitrates.

Of course, we cannot completely protect ourselves from nitrates. Often, they come to our table along with the products. We ourselves must take care of our health and the well-being of our loved ones. In a word, you need to help your body, get rid of harmful substances. Every day, sour-milk products must be present in our diet: milk, cottage cheese, etc. These products actively remove nitrates.

In addition, you need to use vegetable oil, whole-wheat bread, green tea with milk. In addition, the toxicity of nitrates, their accumulation in the body can lower vitamins C, A, B, E.

However, the best protection against nitrates is to consume fruits and vegetables seasonally.

Head of the Egindykolsky district branch
Akmola region
RSE at REM “National Center for Expertise”
A. Seilova