News of the National Center of Expertise

Specialists from Zhambyl and Kyzylorda regions started disinfection in Arys
Специалисты из Жамбылской и Кызылординской областей приступили к дезинфекции в Арыси 27.06.2019

Due to the state of emergency in the Turkestan region, a group of specialists from the National Expertise Center from Zhambyl and Kyzylorda regions was sent to disinfect in the city of Arys.

All brigades are provided with the necessary machinery and equipment, work will be carried out several days before the end of disinfection activities.

10 specialists were sent to help the NEC branch in the Turkestan region by the Zhambyl regional branch, and 17 specialists who had already started work were sent from the Kyzylorda branch.